It’s a good idea to
cleanse the body with the change of seasons. Parasitic cleansing shouldn’t be
overlooked as the cause of unwanted symptoms. Some think their symptoms are just
how their body functions. We have come to be identified by our symptoms. We
think everyone has them and they are just part of life (check out many
commercials). But, we are not our symptoms. Symptoms are the body's way of
telling us that something is wrong. Acknowledge them and then seek cleansing or
nourishing to eliminate the symptoms so the body can go back to self-healing.
The word parasite comes from the Greek meaning, one who eats off the table of
another. This is what a parasite does, they eat the food we eat and take the
nutritional value with them. We can still be hungry minutes after we have eaten
a full meal.
What are ways people can become infected by parasites?
• insect
bites • animal feces
• walking barefoot
• handling raw meat and fish
• eating
pork or shellfish
• handling soiled litter pans (cats)
• eating contaminated raw
fruits and vegetables
• eating meals prepared by infected food handlers
drinking contaminated water
• having contact with infected persons (including
sexual contact, kissing, and shaking hands)
• inhaling contaminated dust
(parasitic eggs or cysts)
Looking at this list it is easy to see how so many
people can become infected and why cleansing is essential to a healthy way of
Inability to gain or lose weight
Grinding teeth and drooling
while sleeping
Forgetfulness, depression
Chronic Candida or yeast infections
Chronic fatigue and viral infections
Heart pain and numb hands
Migraines or
frequent headaches
Chronic sinus or ear infections
Arthritic pains
Floaters in
the eyes
Urinary Tract Infections
Back, thigh, shoulder or navel pains
problems/sexual dysfunction
Itchy ears and nose
Anal itching, especially at
Burning in stomach
Water retention
Digestive problems, gas
Bed wetting
Liver/Gall bladder problems
Diarrhea Cysts and fibroids
Irritable bowel syndrome
Itching, skin problems
Trouble sleeping
-This is not all inclusive, but these are some common symptoms. A parasite goes into weak areas
in your body Symptoms can effect any area, organ or gland.
What can we do to
help prevent parasitic infections?
• Wash hands before eating and after using
the restroom
• Wear gloves when gardening or working with soil or sand because
soil can be contaminated with eggs or cysts of parasites
• Pregnant women should
avoid handling cat litter.
• Do not allow children to be licked or kissed by
pets that are not wormed regularly.
• Wash fresh vegetables carefully.
• Avoid
eating pork, shellfish (bottom feeders)
• Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants,
and boots when walking in the woods.
Eating a well-balanced diet with lots of fiber,
vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds is essential. Fiber helps
eliminate worms from the intestines; good nutrition improves immune function and
protects the body against parasitic invasion.
It is important to limit dairy
foods, sugar, and bad fat. Parasites thrive on these foods. Taking supplements
that improve the immune system and improve nutrition can help to keep parasites
Parasites are easily shared with others. They can be passed through
intimate contact or bodily fluids. If you suspect you have a parasite imbalance
you should seek help. There are thousands of different kinds of parasites and
the symptoms are often diagnosed as many other issues and diseases! The medical
community can test for a small amount of parasites and doing a fecal test does
not guarantee they can be found in every specimen, so they often go undetected.
Many have gone through numerous tests and have issues they have been suffering
with for many, many years, still not getting to the root cause.
There are a few
choices for cleansing parasites that I use for my clients. Know that treating a
parasite with herbal supplements takes an average of 90 days due to cycling. You need to be
patient as you work on the colony of invaders as well as their eggs. Keep away
from sugars which parasites love and have a good bowel cleaning regimen to rid
your body of this imbalance. If you think you have a parasite imbalance, contact
me for more information on supplement choices.
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