Wednesday, October 18, 2023

How do I evaluate clients?

 Muscle Response Testing 


Muscle Response Testing (MRT) is the modality I use to evaluate clients and see what the body needs to get back into homeostasis (balance). This is where the body can do what it was made to do, heal itself. This is a non-invasive way to seek out the body’s imbalances and weaknesses that are causing unwanted symptoms. The body is always striving to get into balance.  This is how it was made. MRT will evaluate and guide, choosing what the body needs to get back into that desired state of balance.     


 The brain sends electrical signals to the body and its’ organs and glands to do the jobs they were made to doIf something gets in the way and blocks those messages from the brain to the body, it stops the body from healing, cleaning and nourishing itself. When this happens symptoms will appear. These symptoms are a signal to you that there is a need that is not being met.   


MRT utilizes this electrical circuit to aid in the discovery of what the body needs.  Everyone is different and their needs are unique.  MRT shows exactly what is needed and exactly what herbs, supplements or dietary changes will help to get back to balance, where the body can take over.                                       


What might get in the wayTriggers for imbalances and blockages from healing can be many different thingsIt may be a vitamin deficiency, mineral deficiency, overload of toxins, Candida imbalance, a parasite or a mechanical issue.  Symptoms vary from person to person depending on what area is weak in the body.  Symptoms can be digestive, circulatory, respiratory, glandular, blood sugar issues, and allergies; the list goes on! 


One way to make people feel good again is to treat the symptomsThere are herbs for symptoms which will help to make your discomfort disappear and not leave you with side effects or other problems that medicines can. This, however, will not get to the root cause and sooner or later, your symptoms will return, either in the same form or in anotherSymptoms may disappear when you strengthen the area affected, but move to some other area in the body causing another type of symptom. 


Getting to the root and treating it will lead to a body in balanceRemaining that way takes some work and maintenance.  I find that once you are feeling good and achieve this balance and stay tuned to your body, you recognize when you need to tweak or change in your routine to get back on track.   


Herbs are food and aid the body in nourishing, cleansing and feeding the different body systemsJust as your car and home need maintenance to stay in working order, so does the bodyI have heard that there are people who do not take care of their body, eating a diet high in fat, simple carbs and sugar and they seem to be just fine!  Looking at the outside of the body is not the same as looking at the inside.  There are things going on inside of you before you go to the doctor with symptoms that are out of control.  These didn’t just happen overnight. A body takes time to build up toxicity and disease!  Take the time to look at your diet and lifestyle and make changes and prevent future ailments and diagnoses.   


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