Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Candida Overgrowth: What can I do?


What is Candida?

Candida is a yeast fungus.  These are beneficial bacteria in small amounts. When this population becomes too much and you have candida overgrowth, your body will show varied symptoms. Initially it begins to break down the wall of the intestines causing first digestive issues and symptoms in your colon.. If this number continues to grow out of control, and it goes unaddressed, the fungus crosses over the stomach lining into the bloodstream causing a varied range of symptoms in many different organs or glands.. This is known as a candida or yeast overgrowth.

Symptoms of Candida/Yeast Overgrowth:
*Fatigue, lethargy, poor memory, inability to concentrate
*Abdominal bloating, distension, diarrhea or constipation, and/or itching
*Extreme sensitivity to chemical fumes, perfumes, or tobacco smoke

*Psoriasis and skin irritations
*Recurrent or persistent cystitis, prostatitis or vaginitis
*Multiple allergic symptoms
*Premenstrual symptoms
*Frequent upper respiratory infections, colds, post nasal drip
*Craving for sweet foods or alcohol
*Athlete’s foot, fungal nail or skin infection
*Thrush (oral or vaginal) more then once

*Erratic vision, spots before eyes
*Chronic acne
*You feel worse after eating sugary or yeasty foods or drinks
*Menstrual cramps or pain
*Swollen or aching joints for no obvious reason
*Muscle aches for no obvious reason, tingling, numbness etc.
*Vaginal discharge, irritation, vaginal yeast infection
*Impotence or loss of sexual desire

*Hormone imbalance
*Inability to lose or gain weight 
*Circulatory and thyroid issues

What Causes this Overgrowth?

*Antibiotic use: 
Antibiotics wipe out all of the bad bacteria, but also all of the beneficial good bacteria.
-If you have ever been on antibiotics and have not deliberately taken steps to get this good bacteria replenished, you will have a yeast overgrowth. It is more than just taking a few probiotics afterward or taking them with the antibiotic (the antibiotic kills it as you take it).

The American diet is full of processed, white and sugary foods. If your diet is heavy with sugar consumption, white processed flour as seen in breads, pasta and rice, coffee, alcohol, sugary condiments or meat treated with antibiotics, your good bacteria will be compromised. If you are watching your sugar intake: good for you!! Also make sure you don't eat a lot of fruit as this natural sugar (fructose) can deplete your good bacteria.

 I want to make sure you have the best understanding of where you will find sugar. Food manufacturers are hoping you don't! Read your labels; anything with 'ose' on the ingredients is sugar, as well as cane juice, malt, molasses, honey or agave. Anything white turns to a simple sugar quickly, thus spiking your blood sugar and killing beneficial good bacteria.

In the world we live in today stress is inevitable.  Our schedules are overloaded. Think about having down time daily, add exercise to your regimen and prioritize sleep.

Think about the ways you process stress. Stress kills good bacteria! Stress comes in many ways; daily stress, hormonal stress and exercise in large amounts, stresses your body (this kind of stress just needs to be addressed with more probiotics).

How to maintain your good bacteria:

1. Maintain a diet full of whole foods and whole grains, vegetables and limited fruits. Keep your diet low in sugar, dairy consumption, alcohol, and coffee.
2. Take a high quality, live 
probiotic daily in the right amount.
3. Find 
natural alternatives for antibiotics! My family has not been on antibiotics since we began this alternative lifestyle 18 years ago. Our go-to herbs are Nature's Sunshine Silver Shield, Olive Leaf and VS-C.

Manage stress! Take B complex or Nutricalm for your body to deal with stress and protect some of your good bacteria.

Treating candida overgrowth:

*Candida diet for cleansing. (Contact me for a copy or write in the comments below) 

 -Probiotic 11  Eleven Elevated which replenish the good bacteria AND

-Silver Shield which kills the bad bacteria

-You need to have this combination of replenishing the good bacteria while eliminating the bad bacteria to repopulate the good bacteria fully.

Contact me with questions or concerns or post a comment. I’d love to hear from you.


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Health Journey: At The Beginning


I have been on this health journey for 20 years now. Like many clients I see, I was searching for answers when the medical world was failing my child. I had no experience in alternative healing but knew things were not right in the path that we were on. After many months of getting no answers, I brought my daughter to a Naturopath who opened my eyes to a new way to heal the body.

This healing came to my daughter, but it wasn't instant or with one pill. It took some lifestyle changes and routines that we needed to put into place. We also added supplementation as a daily routine to support the body and treat root causes for my whole family.  I saw things like allergies, eczema and asthma disappear after making these changes and addressing root causes. Ailments I thought were just part of who I was, things I owned as mine, were gone! My whole family experienced better health and diminished symptoms.

I began to gather information like a hungry stray. I couldn't get enough and took voracious notes on people and treatments. I had notes everywhere, taking information from my practitioner who was eager to share, as well as friends who have been treated.  My excitement for these alternative ways began to grow as I saw those around me changing and healing. Eventually, I was encouraged to go for training.

That was 20 years ago. My family continues to stay true to those changes. We continue to follow those lifestyle choices and supplement with quality herbs to enhance, cleanse and balance our body. My passion for education is steady and growing. I want to give people the information needed to be in charge of their health choices. To have the power to create their own legacy of health. I look forward to hearing from you about your journey and how I can support you.